Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Decisions come and go then we are left to see where life takes us.  These last few months a lot has changed in my life.  I've lost friends, postponed grad school,changed my perspective of life, and made decisions that will change my life.  Now I am about to embark on a new chapter of my life.  A little afraid, but more excited to see what lies around the corner.  I've made a few decisions that with this chapter of my life are going to be different.  I am going to laugh more, live for the moment, love with all I have, and make a difference every chance I get.

So the beginning of this chapter begins with me moving.  I am moving back to Spanish Fork with my sister and her husband.  Not the same sister that I have been living with.  I am excited to see what this brings.  I have decided that I will use this new move to start the new chapter in my life.  This will include loosing weight, finishing up my BA, applying for grad school, and whatever the Lord sees fit to put in my path.   With this blog I will mark the good times the bad, the moments that change my life and the ones that just make my life.  A new outlook and a new attitude is all I needed and this is my chance.

People will no longer dictate who I am or who I will be.  I am going to live my life and accept all that includes.  I am not going to have regrets and I am going to allow myself the chance to just live.  Life is about living and mine is about to start a new chance for me.