Saturday, August 21, 2010

Big and Beautiful!

For so long I have been apologizing for who I am.  Trying to change my personality or trying to be someone that someone wants me to be.  I have hung my head low because I have felt so fat and ugly unworthy of being seen as the person that I truly I am.  Today however, that changed for me.  The unusual part is that I went shopping.  Usually this is an awful experience, but as I looked in the mirror and tried clothes on I saw myself differently.   I am not a size 2, thank goodness, but I am absolutely beautiful.  I have amazing eyes that show a deeper light, a simple dimple that shows only when I smile for real, strong shoulders that carry the weight of my world, a nice rack :), soft curves that accent and add character, a booty that softens my falls, strong legs that take me where I need to go, arms that are always outstretched for whom ever needs them, and a heart that is true.
I am not going to be ashamed of who I am or my size.  If others cannot handle it then they can walk a way from me.  I am no longer going to fight to get people to accept me.  I am not going to sell myself for someone to see me for a treasure that I am.  Being single is hard especially because I am not beautiful by worldly standards, but I am beautiful by Heavenly Father's standards and for once that is more then enough for me.  I am a great catch and someday the right person will know that.  He will wonder how I could have been over looked for so long.  Not only that, but the people in my life who continually judge or try to change me will one day realize this as well.  I always offer love, support, comfort, joy, fun, truth, and a heart.  I am not going  to change!  I don't want to!  I am big and beautiful!  If you can't handle this then don't worry because you don't have to.
I feel stronger and prouder of who I am.  I am going to continue to make changes that I want to make, but they will because I want to not because someone else thinks I should!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Cheri!! You are gorgeous and don't let anyone tell you differently!! You are one of the most amazing people I know and care so much about everyone! Love you!
