Over the past few weeks I have reflected on my life. I remember the counsel others have given me about being blunt and I find that really I need to say something. I WAS NOT BORN TO BE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE!!!! My personality is one that I am not ashamed of because with my personality I have the ability to stand up against injustices and bring to light what others may unconsciously be doing. Today however brought me to tears as someone who didn't even know me made a judgement that wasn't theirs to make.
I am loosing my job. It isn't because I don't do the work, work hard, help others, or constantly strive to do better. I am loosing my job because I refuse to be oppressive, illegal, or judge others because their life choices are not the same as mine.
On my mission I had a disagreement with the bishop about my investigator. My investigator was deaf and they were not providing interpreters for us to teach her. I brought it to his attention in a meeting and he said he had felt the spirit. My response is how could you feel the spirit discussing basketball. This didn't sit to well and led to a misunderstanding that I apologized for.
The reason I bring this up is because a man today told me with experiences like this there must be something I need to work on. I sat there astonished not knowing what to say thinking about the judgement in his voice and knowing that this man knew nothing about who I was or what I was sent here to do. I cried on my way home.
I am not ashamed of who I am. I am grateful to be who I am and am learning everyday what that truly means. I will never be ashamed to stand up for others who cannot. It isn't because they don't want to, although in some cases they don't, it is because they are not in a place where they can. Meaning it will cost them more then it will if I do it. I am glad that I have a voice and a personality that can do this because people judging me, hating me, or belittling me isn't going to stop me. I know when and how to be blunt and I will not be ashamed or made feel like there is something wrong with me.
I'm sorry you are losing your job. That totally stinks!