I find it very interesting how much hatred is being spewed via the social media. I have had numerous friends post negative comments, via facebook, regarding the fight with gay rights and other oppression to other groups. I try not to comment because I don't want to push a sensitive bubble, but I realize that by not speaking up I am allowing the hatred to continue. Is this blatant hatred or misunderstood hatred? I find lately it is a combination of both.
A friend recently posted an article regarding a preschool in Stockholm that does not use the words "he" or "she". Along with this they read books that discuss other social topics such as gay marriage, single parents, or adopted children the friends comment regarding this shocked me only because he said, "so we can put to rest stupid issues such as gay rights and gender confusion." I am shocked at the blatant disrespect and lack of compassion. Due to not wanting to spew hatred I want to say my peace regarding this subject.
Gay rights: I understand that the LDS church does not support same sex marriage. Their reasoning, I was told by a temple counselor, is due to what marriage means. Marriage is an eternal bond where the most sacred act of procreating occurs. This is understandable, but isn't the real fight that the LGBTQI community is fighting for. The LGBTQI community is fighting for equal human rights. They want the legal rights that come with marriage along with being recognized as a partnership like any heterosexual relationship. Their fight isn't about being religiously married or wanting the marriages to be forcefully done by religious sects they are fighting for rights that most straight people take advantage of. Better yet that they don't recognize they have because they don't have to fight about them, actually this is only true for straight, white, males, but that is another issue in itself. My question now becomes who decides what or who gets human rights? Where is the line drawn and what are the requirements to get them?
Gender issues: First we must discuss what exactly this means. Our society has set roles for males and females. If a male or female does not do according to such set roles they become oppressed. By allowing children regardless of their gender to do what they want, enjoy, or interested in does not make them defected. Letting boys play with dolls does not force a boy to become gay nor does it make him less of a man. With a girl playing with guns or in the dirt does not make her a lesbian nor does it make her less of a female. Why is it that we have to label what characteristics match which gender? This is only an issue because what society excepts as the norm isn't necessarily what matches everyones likes or dislikes. Life is messy and doesn't fit into mirco-managed compartments. Not everyone will like the same thing and you can't force a stereotype fit everyone.
These issues are not stupid, but real problems. Although we might not agree with gay marriages we must realize that these are issues and bigger issues then we have to deal with if we are straight. Compassion is needed in this regard so I hope that this is what we will do.
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